Saturday, 5 January 2013

public speaking : Economic Growth and Environmental Damage

Title : Economic Growth and Environmental Damage
General purpose: To persuade
Specific purpose: To persuade my audience about Economic Growth and Environmental Damage.
Central idea  : Aspects of economic growth, conventional energy sources, and non-  conventional sources of energy still don’t resolve the problem,
I.                   Nowadays it is more and more often claimed that humanity can develop without causing damage to nature.
II.                The conventional sources of energy we use today cause pollution, so economic growth is almost
inevitably associated with environmental damage.
a)      Aspects of economic growth.

I.                   In order to produce more goods and products, at a faster rate, the construction of large industrial plants is required.
II.                These enterprises generate a lot of waste in the form of liquid waste and gaseous fumes.
III.             They also lead to the degradation of the ozone layer, which is one of the main reasons for the acceleration of global warming.

b)      Conventional energy sources.
I.                   Are considered to be the greatest polluters of the environment.
II.                The very high installation cost is one of them.

c)      Conventional sources of energy still don’t resolve the problem,
I.                   Still don’t resolve the problem of inflicting damage to the environment.
II.                Application of wind energy would necessitate blocking airflows’ natural velocity.
I.                   Economic growth is connected to environmental damage, and at the current level of development, humanity can hardly avoid harming nature.
II.                That economic growth is inseparable from the damage inflicted on the environment.

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