Friday, 2 December 2011

case study 8

DISSCUSSION 1 Evaluate the planning  processes  employed by Royal Dutch Shell. How would you rate its abilities to plan for its future within the oil industri?

            Royal  Dutch  Shell  has used “develop premise
regarding future conditions”. This  planning process anticipate  future  events. Generate  alternative “scenarios” for  what  may  happen  and  identify  for each  scenario things that  may help  or  hinder  progress  toward  your  objectives.  This company always create and do something  by making future prediction. This planning process is really successfully  applied  by this  company .
          This company  has  practice  this  planning process  because  they  always  predict  on future  by their first thought, “the important of globalization”. First, we can see  through  their  first achievement  in  transferring  oil  by using  their  first  bulk  oil tanker in  1892.
         This first expedition  was  able  to done  because RDS is a big company that always used approach of looking forward and predict for the future, this policy is really good to be practice. As we can see what have been done by royal dutch shell is spending bit time and cost to improve their company. They made research and development trough predicting what is needed in many aspect like transport, communication and field of business, after predicting what will happens in future they will develop what is need by their prediction. Like in transporting oil in large scale to the further distance. Royal dutch shell has successfully delivering the oil via massive oil tanker. This is really big achievement because by this ability  this company were able to improve their global field of marketing.
           This is not just can be seen trough those water transportation, this company aiso have made an huge investment for other transportation like rail and tunnel transportation, their ship now also have been improve with better ability to transferring and loading oil barrel. Royal Dutch Shell’s achievement is really significant for their future.
            By all this we can make a conclusion that the Royal Dutch Shell is really good in planning for their current and future, this company always planning by manipulated their current condition than they will find their way to overcome problem and made a good decisions  for the problem and for future by predicting any result, target and goal and than what steps to be taken to reach the goals.   
  The ability of this company to drive their future to bigger achievement is undoubtly  was excellent. They can always planning to become more  better in future. The result is as we can see how big the name of this company today.

DISCUSSION 2  Which  planning  tool  and  techniques  do  you  think  have  been  utilized  by  Royal  Dutch  Shell?  Which  would  you  suggest  they  use  for  their  planning  and  why?

                     Royal  Dutch  Shell  have  been  utilized  ‘contingency  planning’,  as  a  tools  and  techniques  for  their  planning. Contingencies  planning  is  identifying  alternatives  course  of  action  to  take  when  things  going  wrong.  The  planning  process  and  managing  is  uneasy  work.  There  are  always  an  uncertain  environment   to  faced  with.  This is obvious when the first and second world war erupted. During the first world war, Royal Dutch Shell has realize the important of  growth and expansion over global markets. By that consciousness, Royal Dutch Shell has applied the planning tools, contingency planning on company operation. The company then  realize at time of war, it was quiet difficult to run business operation. It is not in term of the demand on fuel is down, it is even become more important because oil is needed to run machine and other war vehicle.
         But the difficulties is about to whose the oil is about to sell?  Royal Dutch Shell second plan is making contract with one of the force that participated on that war. Royal Dutch Shell has became the main supplier for fuel to British Expeditionary Force during World War 1. This has give the company  good state in running the business.
        But the situation is reverse and differ in second world war. During  the  1930s  the  pressure  give  depression  force to  Royal Dutch Shell to reduce  its workforce entirely. The world war two  has forced the demolition of many of its business and project location. This is really bad for royal dutch shell to faced with. Their operation is disturbed  and they are facing short pace of shrinking of their company. As to face and deal with this situation, royal dutch shell is once again have a second plan to overcome this situation.
             The history of oil technology is change as royal dutch shell is marking the history by making supreme advancements to the technology in fuel and chemical research as well as the creation of brilliant advertising emphasizing themes of power, purity, reliability, modernity and getting away from it all. All of this turning good point in second world war is the step that have been take by royal dutch shell, what do they did, and what makes they turn the hard point to good point, they has plan to just sit and focuss on rebuilding and expanding their business. This is how royal dutch is successfully utilized their tools of planning.   

DISCUSSION 3- Do you feel that Royal Dutch Shell uses any participation  and involvement strategies to implement its plan? Why would participation and involvement be so crucial for such a firm?

       Indeed, Royal Dutch Shell have used participation and involvement strategies in their business. In today’s current economic climate. This company has made some changes to its existing business model in adapt all the demand  and  to make adjustment to what their client needs on their oil concerning business.  In order to survive in global volatile markets, at  one point this company has involve in joint ventures with rival Exxon to form a partnership for the development  of worldwide fuel additives.  
         Partnership is formed of two or more  people or organization agree to contribute  resource to start  and operate a business together. It is backed  by a legal and written partnership agreement. Good part of partnership is all member of it is agree to contribute their skils, expertise and ability to their new venture to reach goals and share the benefits together.
                It is important for royal Dutch Shell to used this strategies to implement to their plan because  for certain time we they always need some improvement and enhancement to certain part. When this company joint their project with Exxon on developing worldwide fuel addictives they got some good profit, first they got new knowledge, expertise, and skils from their partner. They will learn new knowledge that can be used to their future. Other than that, they also learn the new culture and ways of work with their partner, they can used this for make an comparison and apply any good examples from them to their company.

                            Next, one of the very important reason of making partnership or joint venture is, a company can saved lot of  their money to used as a capital and investment to develops any new creation in order to strengthen their business. Creating and developing new technologies need lot of expand and used of  workforce and expert. This is sometimes really a burden to a company. And for  some company, they  found it is really hard to advance in some ways if they don’t find any funds and help.  This is where joint venture is really important and play their role in helping companies develop their technology. They can save their money and expert to be used in investment at least for half of whats needed. 

FURTHER RESEARCH- Investigate the types of alternative fuel sources that are currently being used or research. How might these alternative fuel sources impact the oil industry? How might these alternatives fuel sources impact the oil industry? How might they impact Royal Dutch Shell specifically?

              There are a lot of  alternative fuel sources currently used and research by the world today. These alternatif fuel is developed because they want to find or overcome the issues of depleting sources, many corporate sector invest in their money to research and develop this alternative sources of energy. They know if they mastered and conquer this field it may come in much profit. There were many types of this alternative sources like Biomass, Biofuel, Solar power, Liquid nitrogen and Nuclear power. But one of the most popular alternatives fuel today is hybrid technology.
            Hybrid technology is the technology that implied on machine to generate electrical energy. Almost all the developer put in this technology to main vehicle, car. Car is one of the most consuming petrol on road. And it is always become a problem to human when the price of petrol is increase year by year. This problem seems cannot be put aside as the sources of petroleum is depleting years by years.
       The invention of hybrid technology has become a good answer to overcome the problem of depleting resources of petroleum. This is why some giant of automotive company like Toyota and Honda is compete in developing and producing the hybrid car. World citizen is quiet happy  to hear this things and those hybrid has become more and more popular and widely being used in few country. Those car like Toyota prius have been used by United State as their patrol car. 

             The invention of hybrid technology is obviously known that it is were developed in order to respond to the problem of depleting sources of petroleum. But as the technology is developed a bit early, it is at the other side have turn to become a threat to the oil industry. At today current situation, it may still look like just a normal thing. But if we look up to just little five year forward. The oil industry may feel the impact of lowering number of petrol  consumer. The reducing number of petrol consumer is occur when the hybrid technologies become cheaper when expert become more advance in mastering this technologies.
         This is a normal things that, when any technologies is become more mastered by human it will become cheaper and more affordable by human. So the same thing goes to Hybrid  and this is absolutely will give impact to oil industry.  And royal dutch shell itself as the big company in oil industry will affected. The demand of their petrol fuel will decrease periodically  as the hybrid technologies is become more familiar time by time.